Best Movies from Syria


2. Oral Messages - Rassaelle Chafahyia 1993 Abdellatif Abdelhamid
3. The Deceived - Al-makhdu'un 1972 Tewfik Saleh
4. The Extras - Al-kompars 1993 Nabil Maleh
5. The Syrian Bride 2004 Eran Riklis
6. Jackal Nights - Layali ibn awa 1988 Abdellatif Abdelhamid
7. The Box of Life - Sunduq al-dunyĆ¢ 2002 Usama Muhammad

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Anonymous said...

Where do i download these movies please please let me know

Unknown said...

just to mention the number one on the list is a documentary and the number 2 a short documentary number 3 actual name is the dupes 1973

the half meter incident 1981
breeze of the soul 1998
the night 1992
dreams of the city 1984

and a bunch of documentary about the current syrian war

last men in aleppo 2017
city of ghosts 2017
the return to homs 2016
for sama 2019
the cave 2019
of fathers and sons 2017
a syrian love story 2013
silvered water syria self portrait 2014
the white helmets 2016 short
the war show 2018